The main goal of the African Fabrics Movement is to create an avenue where lovers of African Fabrics, and anyone curious about the fabrics can:
- Have easy access to the fabrics.
- Be inspired to create inspired pieces that reflects their unique take on the fabric.
- Gain knowledge on the care and ways of using African Fabrics.
- Understand the traditions surrounding and the cultural significance of the fabrics of Africa.
These are a series of events that happen throughout the year that encourage quilters and textile artists to participate and produce their best creations with Africa Fabrics.
To this end, there are 2 major events that happen annually where there is a global gathering of quilters and other textile artists -
- The Black History & Cultural Conference and Challenge in February.
- The Quilt Africa Fabrics Summit in July.
We also host workshops, lectures and Block Of The Month at various time in the year to increase the opportunities where anyone interested can learn fresh ways to use African Fabrics.
Drop your name and email in the form below and I will send you details of our next Challenge as well as details about the Summit.