Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

I live and run Quilt Africa Fabrics from Abuja, the capital city of Nigeria in West Africa.

How long does shipping take?

Shipping out of Africa is still a bit of a challenge but I've put in systems to get your fabrics to you in 14 days.

Sometimes, that is not possible because I use multiple carriers and it might take an additional 7 days to reach you.
If there's going to be an extended delay, you will receive an email from someone in the team letting you know.

Is shipping expensive?

What is a Mystery Bundle?

The Mystery Bundle is our signature way of providing you with a great variety of fabrics.

It is a collection of fabrics specially selected by me in different cuts and complimentary colours.
They are available in red, green, blue, African yellow-gold, pink and purple and occasionally infrequently available colours like orange and teal.